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Who we are

The companies that contribute to and are responsible for the contents of this website are Handelsbanken Wealth & Asset Management Limited and Handelsbanken ACD Limited.  References to “we” or “us” mean the company that provides the services referred to in the context of and in accordance with, the agreements entered into between the company and its clients.

Registered Head Office, Registered Number and VAT number

Handelsbanken Wealth & Asset Management Limited:

Registered office: No.1 Kingsway, London, WC2B 6AN; Registered in England number: 4132340; VAT number: 524 9824 25

Handelsbanken Wealth & Asset Management Limited is authorised and regulated by the FCA in the conduct of investment business with firm reference number: 197340; and is a subsidiary of Handelsbanken plc.

Handelsbanken plc is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and regulated by the PRA and the FCA.

Handelsbanken ACD Limited:

Registered office: 77 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, TN4 8BS; Registered in England number: 4332528

Handelsbanken ACD Limited is authorised and regulated by the FCA with firm reference number 936858, and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Handelsbanken Wealth & Asset Management Limited.

Further information on Handelsbanken ACD Limited and Handelsbanken Multi Assets Funds (MAFs), for which Handelsbanken ACD Limited acts as authorised corporate director (ACD), can be found here.

By accessing these pages, you shall be deemed to have accepted, and agreed to be bound, by the terms of these legal notices which shall be governed by the Law of England.

Risk warnings

The pages on this site have been prepared by us for the general interest of readers.

Risk warnings in relation to the MAFs can be found in the MAFs prospectus and key investor information documents, which can be found here.

Risk warnings and terms and conditions in relation to insurance advising and arranging can be found in the terms of business entered into with our clients.


These pages are not intended to be a definitive analysis of equity or other markets. Nothing herein constitutes advice to undertake a transaction in a particular share or other security, and professional advice should be taken on specific issues and before any course of action is pursued. The value of investments and any income from them can fall and you may get back less than you invested. If we select or recommend a particular investment strategy or model for one investor it does not imply that it is suitable for any other investor. Neither past performance nor forecasts are reliable indicators of future performance. Directors or employees of Handelsbanken Wealth & Asset Management Limited* may have a position or holding in any of the investments mentioned in the pages on this site and may have provided advice or investment services in relation to any of the investments mentioned within the last 12 months.

*All employees performing functions for Handelsbanken ACD Limited are also employed by Handelsbanken Wealth & Asset Management Limited

Segregated portfolios may include individual investments in structured products, foreign currencies, and funds (including funds not regulated by the FCA) which may individually have a relatively high risk profile. They may specifically include hedge funds, property funds, private equity funds and other funds which may have limited liquidity. While we aim to follow a disciplined model portfolio approach, any individual portfolio is unlikely to be identical to that of the relevant model portfolio as a result of (inter alia) the time of commencement of the portfolio, the precise mandate or risk profile you may have given us (including any investment preferences and/or restrictions), tax constraints, the tax status of any investment vehicles used, and the availability of certain funds or other investments.

Insurance intermediary

Handelsbanken Wealth & Asset Management Limited may deal predominantly with a single or limited number of insurers which we have selected for our panel. We will choose to work with insurers that are financially strong,  well-known brands, cost effective and have a suitable underwriting philosophy.  Alternative protection providers are available, however, we will not recommend products from them unless we have a specific arrangement to work with them either on an exclusive basis or as part of our panel.

We will recommend a suitable product based on your needs, however, we will not guarantee the cheapest price. This is because the cheapest option is not always suitable and may not be with the protection provider with whom we have an arrangement.

Our recommendations are based on your current needs, if these change then our recommendation may no longer be entirely suitable and may need to be altered. This is why it is important to review your circumstances regularly.

It is important that all the information you provide to us and the protection provider, including information regarding your health and medical history is accurate. This information is used to provide cover, if you were to claim and a relevant matter had not been disclosed, then the protection provider is unlikely to pay out.

Once your policy has been set up, if you cancel your premiums you will cease to be covered.

Restricted advice - Handelsbanken Wealth & Asset Management

We offer restricted advice, as defined by the FCA, which means that if we recommend an investment solution it will be from one of Handelsbanken Wealth & Asset Management’s investment strategies or multi-asset funds. If, based on your personal circumstances, it is appropriate for us to advise on pensions or other products outside an investment management relationship, we will recommend products chosen from a limited selection of providers that we have selected on the basis of our belief in their quality of service, investor protection, financial strength and, if relevant, their financial performance.

A personal recommendation or advice given to you by us in our capacity as an insurance intermediary is not based on an analysis of a sufficiently large number of contracts available on the market. We may deal predominantly with a single or limited number of insurers which we have selected for our panel. In circumstances where we do not give a personal recommendation or advice on the basis of a fair and personal analysis, before you make a commitment on an insurance product, we will provide you with the name of the insurer or insurers which the firm may and does conduct business with. In some circumstances we provide information only.

Handelsbanken ACD Limited is not authorised to give and does not give, investment advice.

Our investment management

Our investment strategies are offered either as models (where you will hold each individual investment within the applicable model) or are wrapped within multi-asset funds (MAFs) that are managed by Handelsbanken Wealth & Asset Management and for which Handelsbanken ACD Limited is the ACD. If we believe that one or more of these funds are suitable for you, we may hold the fund(s) within a portfolio on your behalf. The MAFs in turn may be invested in funds managed by third parties and include investments in other asset classes selected by us from the whole of the market.


We are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). Customers may be entitled to compensation from the scheme. In the unlikely event that we or our insurers cannot meet a liability of ours to you, you may be able to claim compensation under the FSCS. In general, if you are a private individual you will be eligible to make a claim to the FSCS. If you are a business (in particular a small business) you may be able to make a claim to the FSCS.

Deposits: In respect of deposits, the limit is £85,000 per eligible person per bank, building society or credit union. All your eligible deposits at a bank building society or credit union are “aggregated” and the total is subject to the £85,000 limit.

Investments: For investments, the limit is £85,000 per eligible person per firm.

Insurance: In relation to insurance advising and arranging, you may be able to claim compensation from the FSCS if we cannot meet our obligations or if we negligently advised on or arranged your policy. The kind of insurance you have will affect how much compensation you can claim. For the types of policies that we advise on or arrange, the FSCS will cover 90% of your claim.

For further information about the FSCS (including amounts covered and eligibility to claim) please contact us or see the FSCS website at or telephone the FSCS on 020 7741 4100 or 0800 678 1100. FSCS’s physical address is: 10th Floor, Beaufort House, 15 St Botolph Street, London, EC3A 7QU.


The pages on this site are prepared and issued in the United Kingdom and are intended for the information of United Kingdom residents only. In particular, the information on this site is not for distribution and does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of any offer to buy any securities.


While we have taken all reasonable care to ensure that the information contained within the pages of this site is accurate and complies with the relevant United Kingdom laws as at the date of issue, no liability can be accepted for any errors or omissions, or for this information becoming out of date. Each of Handelsbanken Wealth & Asset Management Limited and Handelsbanken ACD Limited is a UK based company and neither of them is affiliated with any other investment or wealth management company; fund operator or authorised corporate director with a similar name. We accept no responsibility for information contained in any other sites which can be accessed by hypertext link from these pages or for these sites not being available at all times. Please note that when you click on any external site hypertext link, you will leave our site with its associated regulatory protections. We reserve the right to suspend or withdraw access to the pages of this site without notice at any time and we accept no responsibility for these pages not being available at all times.

Data protection

We take your privacy seriously and we are committed to collecting and using your information fairly and in accordance with the requirements of all applicable data protection laws. Details about how we collect and use your personal information can be found in our Privacy Notice.

Copyright and trademark

Copyright 2021 Handelsbanken Wealth & Asset Management Limited. All rights reserved. Copyright in the pages of this site, in the screens displaying the pages and in the information and material contained therein and their arrangement, is owned by Handelsbanken Wealth & Asset Management Limited, unless otherwise indicated. Reproduction of these pages in whole or in part without the prior written consent of Handelsbanken Wealth & Asset Management Limited is strictly prohibited unless for private, non-commercial viewing purposes.

'Handelsbanken' and the Handelsbanken logo are EU registered trademarks (numbers 9997974 and 9998063 respectively), and are used by Handelsbanken Wealth & Asset Management Limited under licence.


Please note there is no guarantee that any e-mail sent will be received by us, or that the contents of any such e-mail will remain private during internet transmission. If you have any such concerns, you may prefer to telephone or write to us instead.


Please note that any software is downloaded at your own risk. We do not warrant the suitability of any such software which is downloaded and we accept no liability for any problems with your computer which may arise as a result. If you are in any doubt as to the suitability of software to be downloaded for your computer, it is recommended that you obtain specialist advice before downloading.