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Our funds aim to outpace inflation

Our objective is simple: to deliver investment returns above inflation over the long term. Inflation remains the biggest danger to being able to preserve the real (purchasing power) value of your investments.

The five funds making up our core funds range cater to a spectrum of different risk preferences and financial return targets.

A spectrum of options designed to meet a range of risk/return preferences


Source: Handelsbanken Wealth & Asset Management

Four of our five funds aim to offer financial returns in excess of consumer price inflation (‘CPI’) over any given five-year period. These return targets range from CPI+1% for our lowest risk (Defensive) fund up to CPI+4% for our higher risk (Growth) fund, reflecting the need to take on greater risk in order to create the potential for higher returns. Our Adventurous fund, which is designed for our most pro-risk investors, aims specifically to beat the returns offered by the global stock market (represented by the MSCI All Country World Index).

You can find out more about our Adventurous fund here: Adventurous

Building an appropriate mix of assets to achieve your goals

The mix of investments used in our funds showcases our expertise in selecting a range of different asset types. This includes investments intended to diversify risk (such as developed world government bonds), as well as those focused on driving financial returns (such as global shares).

The level of risk and targeted returns for each of our funds is reflected in the precise mix of asset types they contain:

  • Our lower risk funds (like Defensive and Cautious) include a greater proportion of lower risk assets like bonds.
  • Our highest risk fund (Adventurous) is exclusively focused on shares (equities).

Dynamically selected asset blends to match chosen risk and return levels


Source: Handelsbanken Wealth & Asset Management

Find our more about each of our individual core multi asset funds

Further information on our sustainable and income funds, and on investing

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Sustainable investing

An in-depth look at our sustainable multi asset funds.

Income investing

An in-depth look at our income multi asset funds.

Time in the market

When the market is volatile and prices are falling, it’s tempting to jump to a more promising investment – ‘the grass is always greener’ scenario kicks in. But performance chasing can be a costly mistake.

Why take a long-term approach to investing?

In this article, we unpick the meaning and potential benefits of a long-term investment approach.